Доц. Д-р Николай Ц. Цветков, Ръководител секция
КОНТАКТ: Адрес: ул. Акад. Г. Бончев, бл. 21, 1113 София, България Тел.: +359 2 979 2665 E-Mail: ntzvetkov@bio21.bas.bg URL for web site: https://imb.bas.bg/departments/biochemical-pharmacology-drug-design КРАТКА АВТОБИОГРАФИЯ: Dr. Nikolay T. Tzvetkov completed his PhD in Organic Chemistry and Photochemistry (Topic: Photoreactions of tricyclic alpha-cyclopropyl ketones: Formation of polyquinanes and analogues ring systems; Promotor: Prof. Dr. Jochen Mattay) at the University of Bielefeld (Germany) in 2004. After his PhD training, Dr. Tzvetkov has obtained an industrial postdoc position at Schwarz Pharma GmbH, Monheim (Germany), following by a project leader position at the University of Bonn (Germany) and UCB Pharma (Belgium). During this time Dr. Tzvetkov has developed a large number of new chemical entities (mostly of them in the area of neurodegenerative diseases) belonging to the new substance classes of aminoxanthines, imidazotriazines, 7-amino-6-azaoxindoles, and more than 12 other sub-classes. Since 2018 Dr. Nikolay T. Tzvetkov is appointed as a Scientific Board member of the Institute of Molecular Biology "Roumen Tsanev", Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, and in 2019 as a Head of the Biochemical Pharmacology and Drug Design Department.
Акад. Евгени Головински, Дбн
Доц. Д-р Тамара Пайпанова
Д-р Румяна Дечева
Гл. Асистент Мая Г. Георгиева, Д-р
Гл. Асистент Анелия А. Балачева, Д-р
Мартина И. Пеева, докторант
Асистент Мариа Понтичели, Д-р
Иван П. Богданов, докторант
Виолета Добрева, старши лаборант
Лени Маркова, старши лаборант